Baby's First Dental Exam

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Baby's First Dental Exam

  • Client: babies and new borns PVPD - Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry Avondale
  • Date: Thursday, 16 August 2012
  • Info: What to Expect During Your Child’s First Dental Visit
  • URL:

New patients often ask, "When should my child first visit a dentist?" The short answer is "First visit by first birthday or within 6 months after his or her first tooth comes in.

The idea of such early dental visits is still surprising to many new parents. However, national studies have shown that preschool-aged children are getting more cavities. More than 1 in 4 children in the United States has had at least one cavity by the age of 4. Many kids get cavities as early as age 2.

To prevent early childhood cavities, parents first have to find out their child's risk of developing cavities. They also need to learn how to manage diet, hygiene and fluoride to prevent problems.

But cavities aren't all that parents need to learn about their child's dental health. The age 1 dental visit lets parents discuss: How to care for an infant's or toddler's mouth; proper use of fluoride; oral habits, including finger and thumb sucking; ways to prevent accidents that could damage the face and teeth; teething and milestones of development; the link between diet and oral health.

The purpose of the age 1 dental visit is to learn about your child's oral health and how to best care for your child's unique needs before any problems occur. Many dental problems can be prevented or more easily treated in the early stages. It's important to know at Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry, you will find a dentist that parents trust and an office where children and parents feel comfortable.

During you first baby dental exam, be prepared to ask about any concerns you may have. At Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry, you will find an office that is: child and parent friendly; knowledgeable about young children's oral health, growth and development; responsive to parents; gentle and kind towards children; focused on your child's specific needs; specific about advice on how to care for your child's mouth and teeth and willing to show on how to do it. In addition, our office is available in after-hours in case of accidents or dental emergencies, opened some Saturdays and have late hours. Our patients call it a true dental home.

Your child may fuss during parts or all of the dental visit. However, parents may be surprised at how accepting infants can be when the dentist examines them. They may enjoy the attention and novelty of the visit.

The age 1 care visit is similar to a well-baby check at the physician's office. Dr. Olga will thoroughly examine your chil's mouth in the knee-to-knee position. You and the dentist sit on chairs facing each other. Your child sits on your lap, facing you. You then lay your child back with his or her head in the dentist's lap. In this position, both you and dentist can see clearly into your child's mouth and your child can look up at you.  Dr. Olga will also clean your child's teeth and apply fluoride.